Inspired by her real-life experiences, Lin Tam’s animated short Friendship celebrates the beauty of a lasting human connection. We recently caught up with young...
DreamWorks Animation has optioned the rights to Dog Man, the #1 global bestselling series by author and illustrator Dav Pilkey (Captain Underpants), and is...
***This article originally appeared in the December '20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 305)***
For those of us who lived through the '90s, the popular...
Actress Nancy Cartwright, best known for playing Bart Simpsons on the record-setting run animated series The Simpsons, has been chosen to receive a Lifetime...
A new animated special is coming to Netflix next month as DreamWorks Animation Television delivers The Spooky Tales of Captain Underpants: Hack-A-Ween on Tuesday,...
Shout! Factory’s multi-platform film distribution/production arm Shout! Studios has inked a deal with Sola Media GmbH to release the animated family feature Swift (a.k.a....
Hulu, Amblin Television and Warner Bros. Animation have announced a pact to create a brand-new iteration of iconic ‘90s cartoon franchise Animaniacs. Under a...
The official judges panel for The World Animation Celebration 2017 international short film animation festival have been announced, with pros from across the animation...
Children’s content producer-distributor Federation Kids & Family and sister prodco Cottonwood Media have secured further sales of animated comedy-adventure The Ollie & Moon Show...
Kids content distributor Federation Kids & Family and its sister production company Cottonwood Media have secured a raft of new presales for animated preschool...
Kids content producer-distributor Federation Kids & Family and its sister production company Cottonwood Media announced two new pre-sales for animated preschool series The Ollie...
The Toronto Animation Arts Festival International (TAAFI) has announced that it will hold the Animation Arts Maarket (no, that’s not a typo, just clever...
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