Disney today unveiled the trailer and new key art for the second season of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, Lucasfilm’s original animated series aimed...
Following the season premiere date announcement as part of Disney TV Animation's slate presentation at Annecy, fans of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures learned today...
Nickelodeon today announced that their lovable, super-sized cartoon clan will be starring in a new feature-length adventure: No Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie,...
Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures Season 1 continues the Force-fueled fun this summer: Six all-new episodes will debut on Disney+ and Disney Junior beginning...
J. Michael Straczynski' interstellar adventure series continues with an all-new original animated movie, Babylon 5: The Road Home. Straczynski returns to write and executive produce...
Next week, dreamers will become doers, monsters will become heroes, and tasty grilled treats are on the menu in Taz: Quest for Burger! The new Looney...
The voice cast of the upcoming Babylon 5 animated feature announced last week by creator J. Michael Straczynski has been announced, promising fans the...
George Lucas’ original Star Wars trilogy was conceived as a nostalgic, family-friendly space opera appealing to 12-year-old kids, or at least the sci-fi-loving child...
Looney Tunes’ iconic, tornado spinning, unintelligibly grunting Tasmanian Devil is back with an all-new original family movie. Fans young and young at heart can...
On May 4, Disney+ and Disney Junior will premiere the original animated series, Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures in celebration of Star Wars Day. Set during...
Disney+, Disney Junior and Lucasfilm today announced that Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures will premiere on Disney+ and Disney Junior on May 4 (Star...
Cartoondom's most impactful Gen X slackers are doin' stuff again — specifically, bringing their hit adult animated relaunch to home entertainment. The Paramount+ series Mike...
Today, Academy Award-winning filmmaker and executive producer of the multiple Emmy Award-winning Tales of Arcadia series Guillermo del Toro shared the first few minutes...
DreamWorks and Netflix have debuted the official trailer and new images for the feature-length conclusion to Guillermo del Toro's Tales of Arcadia, released in...
Sony Pictures Animation's debut musical project Vivo has been picked up by Netflix, with the streamer licensing all global rights (excluding China). The film...
The second 13-episode season of DreamWorks Animation’s acclaimed series The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle premieres on Amazon Prime this Friday (Jan. 11).
Here is...
DreamWorks Animation Television is bringing two original kids’ series starring beloved characters to Amazon Prime Video. First up, the studio is creating an all-new...
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