London animation & VFX studio Jellyfish Pictures announced that Archie Donato has joined the Jellyfish Animation Features team as Creative Director of Animation. Donato...
Following the departure of the subsidiary's founders Lionel Fages and Majid Loukil, Xilam Animation has upped Cécile Hergaux-Essame to the position of General Manager...
Avatars are already a well-established feature of the current cultural landscape. Most of us are experts at crafting those little character representations of ourselves...
In response to its rapidly expanding content slate, Ireland's Lighthouse Studios ( announces the promotion of long-time series director & showrunner Gilly Fogg to...
With major studios transitioning to home-based motion-capture during lockdown, leading motion-capture technology developer Xsens is launching the HomeCap campaign, aiming to turn the spotlight...
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