Planeta Junior has signed a collaboration deal with Fourth Wall Animation, an emerging independent producer of animated entertainment content for the whole family, for...
WEIRD Market, the International Animation, Video Games and New Media Market, will be celebrating its 12th edition in a “hybrid” format, director José Luis...
Planeta Junior, a leading European family entertainment company, has acquired a participation in ZAG Entertainment. The agreement is the culmination of a long-lasting and...
Portfolio Entertainment's newest in-house production, Hero Elementary (40 x 22'), a co-production with Twin Cities PBS, has been acquired by Discovery Inc. for the...
Canada's newest kids & family TV channel Toon-A-Vision will soon be available to even more families sheltering at home by partnering with cable network...
Paula Taborda dos Guaranys has joined leading European kids & family entertainment company Planeta Junior (Junior, a Grupo Planeta/De Agostini Group company) as Director...
Planeta Junior announces that Hélène El Arouni has joined the company as Head of Consumer Products & Media in France.
El Arouni has 360-degree vision...
Tubi (, the world’s largest ad-supported video on demand (AVOD) service, will launch its service in the U.K. in early 2020, with additional territories...
***This article originally ran in the November ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 294)***
If you work in the animation content business, you’ll probably end...
France’s Superprod Animation and Spain’s kids production company Planeta Junior have announced a new partnership to distribute, license and produce premium kids and family programs worldwide.
The allience...
Barcelona-based kids & family producer/distributor Planeta Junior (part of Grupo Planeta / De Agostini Group) has brought on África Vázquez Rubí as International Animation...
Premium kids content distributor Federation Kids & Family and leading European entertainment company Planeta Junior have secured sales and co-production deals for Cottonwood Media’s...
Children and youth entertainment company Planeta Junior has created a new sales cluster that groups its French, Portuguese and Spanish operations together. This recent change is...
With Kidscreen Summit kicking the spring market season into serious gear next week and first quarter check-ins from major networks, there’s an avalanche of...
European entertainment company Planeta Junior has launched a new, aged-down version of an iconic character with Baby Heidi, which reinvents Johanna Spyri’s plucky heroine...
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