Esteemed Polish animation studio Platige Image has revealed its work on the CG-animated trailer for the Esports World Cup, chiseled out in an eye-catching...
Award-winning VFX, animation and interactive studio Platige Image is opening its newest office in Las Palmas, on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria. The...
The 2024 International Animation Film Market (MIFA) has announced its official program running June 11-14 alongside the Annecy Festival. This year, the Market opens...
Polish studio Platige Image has launched a new project for Tourism Australia. Films and commercial spots created by the BAFTA-winning animation & VFX studio...
Animayo, the International Festival of Animation, Visual Effects and Video Games — Spain's only designated "Qualifying Festival" for the animated short film Oscar category,...
The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) today announced the dates, locations and Lifetime Achievement honorees for the 2022 Daytime, Daytime Creative...
***This article originally appeared in the August '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 312)***
What better way to escape the summer doldrums than by diving...
AT&T to Spin Off and Combine WarnerMedia with Discovery
The to-be-named new standalone media company will be headed by Discovery CEO David Zaslav with the...
An entirely new futuristic universe unfolds in Hyper Scape, created by Ubisoft and glimpsed in a new cinematic game trailer produced by Warsaw-based Platige...
Italy-based kids' content leader Rainbow has teamed up with Vertical Licensing to distribute its global preschool hit 44 Cats across Brazil. The popular 52...
***This article originally ran in the February ‘20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 297)***
If you guessed that a much-anticipated series based on a supernatural...
Five-hundred guests gathered this weekend for the animago AWARD ceremony in the Alte Kongresshalle in Munich, where the event celebrated its 23rd anniversary. More...
In a new promotional short for soon-to-be-released video game Metro Exodus, Warsaw-based animation studio Platige Image takes viewers on a compelling journey through a...
The 33rd annual Goya Awards -- Spain’s equivalent to the Oscars --were held Saturday night, honoring the greatest accomplishments in Spanish cinema of the...
The annual computer graphic and interactive technology confab SIGGRAPH 2018, which took place at the Vancouver Convention Center Aug. 12-16, was a big success....
***This article originally appeared in the August ‘18 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 282)***
With advances in technologies coming at us from every direction each...
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