Freeform will be airing beloved Disney live-action and animation, Pixar and Marvel titles all throughout September, capped off at the end of the month...
In what has become an annual tradition at Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Walt Disney Animation Studios returns with a Bonlieu Theater presentation showcasing...
Organizers of the Frame-By-Frame Animators Conference (FxF), one of the U.S. Midwest’s premiere toon confabs, have confirmed a luminous guests of honor lineup for...
Van Eaton Galleries has announced its first joint popular culture and Disneyland auction: The Art of Entertainment, to take place at Van Eaton Galleries...
If you weren’t already planning to adjust your monthly entertainment budget around the launch of Disney’s in-house streaming service, Disney+ (coming late 2019), company...
On the morning of Saturday, October 6, as Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was being confirmed after facing sexual assault allegations in hearings that...
Aspiring animators looking for an accessible, quick and comprehensive introduction to the foundation skills of the artform should add the new streaming series The...
David Ogden Stiers, a three-time Emmy-nominated actor and voice actor known for his role as Major Charles Emerson Winchester III on M*A*S*H* and iconic...
The official judges panel for The World Animation Celebration 2017 international short film animation festival have been announced, with pros from across the animation...
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences has announced the new electees to its 2017-18 Board of Governors. Among these esteemed industry veterans,...
Available Now: Studio Ghibli's 'Ocean Waves' on DVD
GKIDS has issued the home entertainment release of the acclaimed studio's "forgotten" film, directed by Tomomi Mochizuki....
CALL FOR ENTRIES: Anima2017 Cordoba Int’l Animation Festival
Submit your work in any animation genre, technique or screening media -- from feature films to mobile...
In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of its Best Picture Oscar-nominated animated feature Beauty and the Beast, Disney is not only preparing a lovely...
Nickelodeon has promoted Dion Vlachos to the position of Executive Vice President, Retail Sales, Marketing and Publishing. Based in New York, Vlachos will manage...
School of Visual Arts BFA Film and BFA Animation chair Reeves Lehmann and Annie Flocco, producer-director of SVA’s 27th Dusty Awards, have announced this...
Video: The Making of The Jungle Book
A quick behind-the-scenes summary of Jon Favreau’s groundbreaking approach to digitally retelling a classic tale, which continues to...
The Toronto Animation Arts Festival International (TAAFI) has announced the Official Selection of shots and feature films for the 2016 edition, taking place April...
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