HBO Max is ready to sleigh the holidays with its seasonal Max Original adult animated series, Santa Inc., from Lionsgate Television and Seth Rogen's...
Paramount Pictures today announced that Ramsey Naito will be leading its animation division as President, Animation & Development, Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Animation. Mireille...
Today's immersive co-viewing event The Nickelodeon Virtual Upfront Show: Bring Your Kids! took attendees on an eye-opening tour across the Nickiverse, outlining what the...
Paramount Animation has optioned the film rights to C.O.S.M.O.S., an upcoming kids' sci-fi book series from Thomas Wheeler -- co-creator of Cursed and writer...
Nickelodeon and award-winning Point Grey Pictures’ Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg and James Weaver are jointly announcing today that production will begin on an all-new...
It seems that the raunchy grocery romp Sausage Party whetted the animation appetites of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. According to Variety, the comedy...
Seth Rogen's pilot for the animated series Bigfoot is a go at FX Network, according to Based on Graham Roumieu's Bigfoot "autobiography" graphic...
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