The Pokémon Company International and Netflix announced today that the next animated movie in the Pokémon franchise — Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the...
Earwig and the Witch
Goro Miyazaki's children's book adaptation is a magical and curious entry into 3D CGI for Studio Ghibli. Richard E. Grant, Kacey...
Amy Pascal Leaves Sony for Universal
After 30 years with Sony Pictures, the fierce exec-turned-producer is ready to forge a new chapter at Universal.
Marvel Animation...
The 45th SIGGRAPH computer graphics conference (August 12-16 in Vancouver, BC) has revealed details of this year’s Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality program. Featuring...
Mark Osborne's acclaimed feature The Little Prince (Netflix) and Magic Light's Revolting Rhymes were two of the top animated winners of this year's British...
Ghibli's Hayao Miyazaki Reveals His "Final" Film's Title, Release Window
The grandmaster of anime, who is turning 77 in January, is once again declaring his...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts has announced the nominations for this year's British Academy Children's Awards. The awards will be presented...
VIDEO: Film Ambience Annecy 2017
A quick video tour through the weeklong whirlwind which as Annecy/MIFA, which totted up an amazing 10,000 accreditations (including 3,000...
Legendary Entertainment has signed on DreamWorks Animation veteran Rob Letterman to direct the live-action hybrid feature Detective Pikachu, based on the smash-hit Pokémon games...
’The Incredibles 2’ Moves Up to Summer 2018; ‘Toy Story 4’ Pushed to 2019
Disney shuffles release dates for two hotly anticipated Pixar sequels, with...
Multi-disciplinary studio Screen Yug is building its animated series catalog (which includes War of Heroes and Mary Kom Jr.) with a new 360-degree property...
Organizers of Digital Hollywood Fall for 2016 are quickly bulking up programming for the four-day event, being held October 18-21 at L.A.’s Skirball Center....
Fantastic Planet: A Psychedelic Adult Animation Classic
Rene Laloux and Roland Topor's mesmerizing '70s sci-fi toon harkens back to a golden age of adult-targeted, high-concept...
SGN Buys TinyCo, Maker of ‘Marvel Avengers Academy’ Mobile Game
SGN, founded by MySpace and Fox vets, marks its third acquisition since its 2010 founding...
Legendary Director Jan Svankmajer and Athanor Productions Launch Indiegogo Campaign for ‘Insects’
The award-winning Czech animator seeks $150k for one final, surreal stop-motion project after...
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