During its first-ever Comic-Con International panel today, The Pokémon Company International unveiled new details and behind-the-scenes insights for the all-new Pokémon Horizons: The Series...
The Pokémon Company International announced that the third batch of episodes for Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series, the globally popular Pokémon animated series, will...
Today (Friday, March 24), The Pokémon Company International unveiled the official title and logo of the upcoming Pokémon animated series, Pokémon Horizons: The Series,...
In celebration of Pokémon Day, Netflix today announced Pokémon Concierge, its first collaborative production with The Pokémon Company and an ambitious stop-motion project produced...
This morning, Netflix unveiled its 2023 Kids & Family slate, providing new photos and release date confirmations for a number of exciting toon titles across...
Today, The Pokémon Company International unveiled the next season of Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series, premiering in select markets as early as spring and...
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