Hayao Miyazaki's latest turn in the director's chair, his first in five years, filled plenty of seats over its opening weekend. The 2D-animated pseudo-historical...
The latest animated feature from acclaimed director Mamoru Hosoda, Wolf Children (Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki) has been awarded the Best Animation award...
Most animation aficionados have a soft spot for Studio Ghibli founder and animation master Hayao Miyazaki’s works—some would even be hard pressed to pick...
How Disney brought Studio Ghibli’s take on The Borrowers to U.S. audiences.
For over two decades, the enchanting traditionally animated features of Hayao Miyazaki and...
GKIDS, distributors of award-winning animation for fans of all ages, is bringing a complete retrospective of the films of Japanese toon house Studio Ghibli...
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