An iconic animated duo is prepping for an action-packed big screen adventure in the new year, when Ketchup Entertainment brings the Warner Bros. Animation...
Dedicated classic animation network MeTV Toons will celebrate Thanksgiving with a plate full of special programming for the entire family, starting with a "Rabbits,...
A riotous Annecy Festival crowd of animation fans got to discover sneak peeks and whimsical content earlier today, as Warner Bros Animation, Cartoon Network...
The largest collections of one-of-a-kind production cels from the 1959 classic Sleeping Beauty, as well as animation drawings, storyboards, concept art, backgrounds, model sheets...
Emmy-Nominated Bob Bergen talks about his career as a multi-talented voice-over artist.
Voice over star Bob Bergen has worked on hundreds of cartoons, commercials, promos,...
Animation corporate executives have not always been highly regarded by the artists who work for them, particularly during the Golden Age. One exception to that...
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