Netflix unleashed the power-packed trailer for Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part Two, the thrilling conclusion to the epic animated Mattel series. The war...
The war for Eternia continues in the second part of Masters of the Universe: Revelation, an innovative and action-packed animated series that picks up...
Netflix and Mattel Television offered fans a pre-holiday-weekend surprise Friday with the debut of the official trailer for Masters of the Universe: Revelation —...
The hitmaker toon shop behind Castlevania, Powerhouse Animation Studios, has struck a first-look deal to produce original animated streaming series with Netflix. The Austin-based...
Netflix has debuted the first images for the highly anticipated new He-Man series, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, and announced that Part 1 (5...
The captivating heroes, monsters and deities of ancient Greek mythology get a thrilling contemporary reimagining in Blood of Zeus -- a new adult-targeted animated...
CROWDFUND: Rally for Blair Kitchen Family
Friends and colleagues of the Canadian animator and comic-book artist, who died unexpectedly on Sunday at just 43 years...
Netflix has placed an eight-episode order for a new animated action-drama inspired by the Ramayana: Heaven’s Forest. The epic project is written by Warren...
***This article originally appeared in the November ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 294)***
Having grown up in Texas and been heavily influenced by the...
Helmer Kevin Smith (Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob Reboot) revealed details about his upcoming Masters of the Universe anime series for Netflix at Power-Con...
Netflix has revealed yet another fantastical, anime-style adventure to its upcoming slate with the news that comic-book movie veterans Zack Snyder (Watchmen, Man of...
Continuing the momentum of globally launched series like Aggretsuko, Ultraman and 7SEEDS, Netflix returned to Anime Expo in Los Angeles this weekend to preview...
Streaming giant Netflix continues to lead the accelerating charge for original adult animation, with sources telling The Hollywood Reporter that an in-house animation studio...
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