Today, during the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Disney Branded Television (DBT) announced a lineup of new animated projects and shared first looks from...
When we last saw Disney+’s Monsters at Work protagonist Tylor Tuskman (voiced by Ben Feldman), he was made a jokester-in-training to help the Monsters,...
This week, FOX Entertainment's free streaming service Tubi treats its viewers to three full seasons of the globally popular Pokémon animated series – comprising...
Disney+ and Walt Disney Animation Studios present two new Original Series this month: Season 2 of Short Circuit Experimental Films launches on August 4,...
Apple Original Films and Skydance Animation have come together to create Blush, a CG-animated spacefaring tale based on a heartfelt personal story. This first...
Disney Channel has ordered original animated series The Curse of Molly McGee, a buddy comedy about tween optimist Molly McGee and grumpy ghost Scratch,...
Netflix will be producing a new CG animated feature film titled Jacob and the Sea Beast, written and directed by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Chris...
Filmmakers from Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios convened at D23 Expo 2017 on Friday, revealing new details about their upcoming movie slates and...
In the last week, hundreds of students, faculty, alumni and entertainment executives gathered for a duo of screenings and celebrations showcasing the 2017 CalArts...
Disneytoon Studio's 2014 Tinker Bell movie, The Pirate Fairy, has posted a brand new trailer online. The swashbuckling new adventure centers on Zarina (voiced...
Inspired by many of our favorite videogames, Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph delivers a funny, original and heartwarming tale about an 8-bit bad guy in search...
Stevie Wermers-Skelton and Kevin Deters’ charming Ballad of Nessie brings a certain lake-dwelling Scottish monster to animated life.
Here’s a lesson for animation students: Don’t...
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