Global animation veterans look forward to the annual Cartoon Movie event in Bordeaux, France, as much as they anticipate the arrival of spring. This...
Cartoon Movie, the pitching and co-production event for European animated films, announced the companies and personalities nominated for the Cartoon Tributes, whose major contributions...
Montreal- and Madrid-based international sales and distribution company Pink Parrot Media (PPM) has signed a raft of deals for Unstable, an animated musical comedy...
Global Screen, a TELEPOOL brand, announces a raft of presales for 3D-animated feature film My Fairy Troublemaker, produced by Fabrique d’Images SA, Ella Filmproduktion...
The 2021 Eurimages Co-production Development Award was announced Thursday, March 11, during the digital edition of Cartoon Movie. This year's winning project is Shadows,...
Ukrainian animated feature The Stolen Princess from FILM.UA Group’s Animagrad studio continues to work its regal charms on international buyers. The film has been...
Russia's Wizart Animation has closed several new deals for its latest feature production and distribution project during the European Film Market (EFM) event this...
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