Santiago-based animation studio Punkrobot is ready to pounce on the theatrical feature film market, debuting the teaser for its first-ever full-length movie, Brave Cat. The...
The Television Academy announced today the winners of the 75th Emmy Awards in juried categories, including Animation and Motion Design. These honors will be...
With its makers untethered by canonical restrictions, Lucasfilm and Disney+’s exhilarating anthology series Star Wars: Visions is back for a second season of bite-sized...
Today, Disney+ and Lucasfilm announced that the second volume of the animated anthology series Star Wars: Visions will premiere exclusively on Disney+ on May 4,...
Award-winning Brazilian studio Hype Animation has received an Epic MegaGrant from Epic Games, which will be used to accelerate the production of the studio’s...
Latido Films will be introducing international buyers to Nahuel and the Magic Book, the enchanting new 2D family feature film from the studio behind...
Rovio Entertainment announces the first season release of Angry Birds Bubble Trouble, a bite-sized 3D-animated series where the young Angry Birds flock – Red,...
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