Having recently announced that Nathan Greno has been tapped to direct its upcoming animated feature Powerless, Skydance Media has now named several key additions...
With Gru's latest adventure having achieved the No. 10 all-time worldwide chart spot, Illumination Entertainment's Despicable Me film series (including Minions) has officially supplanted...
Los Angeles-based Alpha Animation has appointed Alex Schwartz as its new Head of Production, CEO Bob Bacon announced Wednesday. Schwartz is charged with overseeing...
The third season of DreamWorks Animation’s Puss in Boots swings into action this Friday, July 15, only on Netflix. We’re purr-fectly pleased to offer...
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences has extended membership invitations to 683 distinguished filmmakers, artists and executives “who represent the best in...
The 2016 Annecy festival and market will welcome a very special guest to the charming French burg this summer, with organizers announcing that award-winning...
Mumbai-based 3D animation studio Assemblage Entertainment has made three key additions to its leadership team. PMV Ramana has been appointed Art Director, while Rahul...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 322 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
The Animation Magazine 250th issue celebration continues, this time with our list of the animated box office champs of all time.
They are:
Frozen — $1.3 billion
Online channel DreamWorksTV drives demand for funny animated content for kids while winning over animators with creative control.
For passionate animators who’ve always wanted to...
DreamWorks Animation Television has put the pedal to the metal developing a pipeline and staffing up quickly to fill big orders for high-quality shows....
DreamWorks Animation is developing with Verizon two new channels for its online children’s channels DreamWorksTV and AwesomenessTV.
AwesomenessTV will produce more than 200 hours of...
News out of AFM brings tidings that the classic tyke-targeted Playmobil toy brand is the latest to pursue a big-screen feature film adaptation. Paris-based...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 271 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
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