AMC+ today released the trailer and key art for its first traditionally animated series, Pantheon. The sci-fi drama based on a collection of short stories by award-winning author Ken...
AMC Networks’ first traditionally animated series, Pantheon, premieres Thursday, September 1, with weekly episodes on AMC+.
A sci-fi drama based on a collection of short...
Months ahead of its debut, Comedy Central announced at San Diego Comic-Con that it has renewed its new urban, coming-of-age animated series Legends of...
Comedy Central is heading to San Diego Comic-Con with a slew of events schedule, including an all-out fan experience celebrating the 20th anniversary of...
Comedy Central has put in an order with executive producers Bento Box Entertainment for 10 episodes of its original, urban coming-of-age animated tale Legends...
Comedy Central has given the OK to Bento Box Entertainment's animated comedy Legends, according to This is the first original series pick-up since...
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