Criterion has announced its first collaboration with Disney and Pixar Animation Studios, which will bring the beloved 2008 animated feature WALL•E into the Criterion...
Ralph Eggleston, the writer-director of Oscar- and Annie-winning 2000 Pixar short For the Birds, died Sunday, August 28 of pancreatic cancer. He was 56...
The beloved animated feature FernGully: The Last Rainforest is getting an exciting new release this summer. On August 23, Shout! Factory will release FernGully:...
VIEW Conference has announced that Sir Roger Deakins, Oscar-winning cinematographer of films including The Shawshank Redemption, Blade Runner 2049 and 1917, will receive this...
VIEW Conference 2019 has announced that Jill Culton, writer and director of DreamWorks Animation and Pearl Studio’s animated feature film Abominable will speak at...
A fresh batch of venerable speakers from across the global entertainment industry have been announced for VIEW 2019 -- Italy’s premiere event for computer...
Newly announced speakers from the worlds of animated and live-action feature films, broadcast television and games have joined the growing roster for VIEW 2019,...
Italy’s popular VIEW Conference has nabbed a Pixar tripleheader to keynote its 2019 Edition. Turin’s animation and vfx conference, which takes place Oct. 21-25,...
Sony’s Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse won Best Animated Feature at the 46th Annual Annie Awards Saturday evening, and garnered top honors across seven categories...
The Art Directors Guild (IATSE Local 800) has announced the nominees for its 23rd annual awards, celebrating excellence in production design for feature films...
The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, announced nominations today for its 46th Annual Annie Awards, recognizing the year’s best in the field of animation....
Reunite with Elastigirl, Mr. Incredible, their super kids and fashionable friends when Disney-Pixar’s blockbuster sequel Incredibles 2 comes home this fall on a variety...
Italy’s VIEW Conference for animation, visual effects, games, AR/VR and immersive storytelling -- taking place in Turin Oct. 22-26 -- has announced an impressive...
Shreveport, Louisiana's Artspace venue will welcome the delightful characters and three famous animators to Northwest Louisiana to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Moonbot Studios...
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