For this year's ever-inspiring Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios and Disney Branded Television will unveil a handpicked selection...
Disney+ announced the second season of original series The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder will premiere on Wednesday, February 1. From Disney Branded Television,...
ABC, Disney Branded Television, Disney Television Animation, Disney Television Studios, Disney+, FX and Hulu are ready to take over the San Diego Comic-Con convention...
Disney-Pixar's Lightyear is ready to rocket up the domestic box-office charts, with trades reporting a $5.2 million Thursdsay preview night take. The Toy Story spinoff directed by...
The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder is in production on a second season for Disney+. From Disney Television Animation, the series' season one finale...
Disney+ has debuted a new featurette for The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder, going behind-the-scenes with guest voice stars Al Roker, Lena Waithe and...
Disney+ has released first-look character images for a star-studded roster of guest cast featured in the new original series The Proud Family: Louder and...
***This article originally appeared in the March '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 318)***
Penny Proud is growing up. The Proud Family’s plucky 14-year-old star,...
The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder will bring high-voltage star power when the eagerly-awaited revival of the groundbreaking hit animated series, The Proud Family,...
South Park is gearing up for a second coronavirus-inspired special. The irreverent toon is serving up an hour-long South ParQ The Vaccination Special on...
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