Animation Is Film (AIF) announced the winners of its fourth annual film festival today with the feature film Flee (Denmark), written and directed by...
Raya and the Last Dragon
Ushering in a new era of heroic Disney Princesses, the studio's latest original fantasy-adventure is questing to disc with a...
Four groundbreaking and critically-acclaimed films will receive new high-definition releases this fall when Coraline (LAIKA Studios Edition) and The Boxtrolls (LAIKA Studios Edition) are...
VIEW Conference Presents 'Luca' Director Enrico Casarosa & Creative Team
The Italian confab's next free, exclusive online session will also feature producer Andrea Warren, production...
VIEW Conference accelerates into 2021 with a trio of exclusive PreVIEW events. Free to attend, each session features online conversation with a team of...
Don't miss Animation Magazine's Award Season Panel, which went live today (Friday, Dec. 18) on the Animag YouTube channel. Featuring eight amazing directors behind...
A Woman’s Place: Animation and Illustration continues its series devoted to spotlighting women in male-dominated industries by turning an eye on our favorite art...
Fans of envelope-pushing anime will be excited to hear that indie distributor GKIDS has snagged North American rights for three feature films from acclaimed...
We’re just about a week away from the highly-anticipated US theatrical release of Nora Twomey’s The Breadwinner, and GKIDS is threatening to break our...
Encore Screenings Added for ‘Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You!’
Due to overwhelming fan demand, the story of how Ash Ketchum’s friendship with Pikachu began...
If you're heading to San Diego for Comic-Con International this week, be sure you set block out Saturday afternoon for Animation Magazine's first-ever SDCC...
The Art of DreamWorks Animation by Ramin Zahed
In celebration of the studio's 20th anniversary, DreamWorks Animation and Abram Books have put together an unprecedented,...
Animation Magazine, the leading online and print publication covering the business, technology and art of animation and VFX, has tapped veteran film journalist Thomas...
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