Animation artist and illustrator Paul Coker Jr., best known for his character and produciton designs for the classic Rankin/Bass stop-motion specials as well as...
Stop-motion artists Charles, Stephen and Edward Chiodo are working on a new half-hour holiday special titled Alien Xmas which will premiere on Netflix in...
Making Christmas: The Animated History of Rankin-Bass Productions
Take a stop-motion sleigh ride through TV history in this look back at the 19 Christmas specials...
Non-profit arts organization Film Independent (producers of the Spirit Awards and LA Film Festival) and Oscar-nominated studio LAIKA announce the second year of the...
How the wizards at Aardman joined forces with Sony Animation to deliver the poignant and funny CG-animated holiday adventure, Arthur Christmas.
Santa Claus and animation...
Taking a break from his tabloid headaches, Canadian singer Justin Bieber is getting a little more animated this holiday season. The new Animagic video...
Cartoon Network unveiled the first official look at its new ThunderCats cartoon.
The new, anime-style series revives the classic series, which was created by Tobin...
Santa Claus is Comin' To Town, the classic Rankin-Bass-produced stop-motion animated TV special, is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a new live attraaction,...
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