Ubisoft's popular animated characters known as the Raving Rabbids will be making their transition to a CG-animated series on Nickelodeon beginning Saturday, August 3...
Nickelodeon announced more details about its upcoming animated shows at today’s upfront presentation in Los Angeles. Cabler president Cyma Zarghami confirmed Nick’s dedication to...
Nickelodeon announced at its annual upfront presentation in New York a roster of more than 300 new animated episodes in 2012, including premiere dates...
Copyright Promotions Licensing Group (CPLG) has been appointed as non-exclusive licensing agent for the upcoming Rabbids TV series, set to hit airwaves in 2013,...
France Televisions and Ubisoft Motion Pictures are moving forward in producing a new CG-animated series based on the popular game franchise Raving Rabbids. Nickelodeon...
Take a peek at this ad that Superfad put together for Ubisoft's Raving Rabbids videogame, "Travel in Time."
Here's a few images, followed by the credits...
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