Warner Bros. Animation (WBA), Cartoon Network Studios (CNS), and Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe (HBSE) announced three series greenlights and previewed a slate of projects currently...
Today, global entertainment company Toonz Media Group announced it is producing a feature film adaptation of bestselling kids’ book Santa on a Panda, written...
The ripples of the wave-making merger of Warner Bros. and Discovery continue to stir the animation community, with reports that the storied Cartoon Network...
Nothing sus here: CBS Studios is reportedly developing viral hit game Among Us into an animated series through its CBS Eye Animation Productions division, producing...
TwentyOne14 Media announced today a strategic partnership with former Cartoon Network executive and multi-Emmy Award-winning producer Brian Miller and his company, Pat & Mike...
DreamWorks Animation's new soaring adventure for young viewers is ready to take wing, with all six episodes of Peacock Original series Dragons Rescue Riders:...
WarnerMedia Kids & Family announced today the launch of ACME Night, an ultimate entertainment destination for families every Sunday starting Sept. 19 at 6...
Cartoon Network Studios (CNS) unveiled today Cartoon Cartoons, the next evolution of its prolific animated shorts program, signaling the studio’s largest commitment to animated...
Two best friends find their rock star dreams derailed by an accidental, extra-trippy trip in Infinity Train: Book Four. The Annie Award-nominated series comes...
Shout! Studios invites home audiences to embark on an extraordinary journey with The Prince's Voyage, when the acclaimed animated feature debuts on a two-disc...