The 2024 International Animation Film Market (MIFA) has announced its official program running June 11-14 alongside the Annecy Festival. This year, the Market opens...
Pixar Animation Studios announces the release of RenderMan version 26, a significant advancement in the Pixar's core rendering technology. This latest version introduces groundbreaking...
Tinker Bell is getting some major competition this month as DreamWorks Animation is introducing a group of three-inch-tall fairies in its new preschool show,...
Pixar Animation Studios today released version 25 of RenderMan, its award-winning technology for rendering animation and visual effects. The latest version features advanced denoising...
***This article originally appeared in the August '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 322) ***
SIGGRAPH is often considered a popular barometer of progress...
***This article originally appeared in the August '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 322) ***
SIGGRAPH is often considered a popular barometer of progress...
Annecy Festival attendees were today treated to a first look at The Spot, a new villain in Sony Pictures Animation's two-part sequel Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse,...
***This interview originally appeared in the May '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 320)***
For the past three decades, Thorsten Wegener has been producing high-profile...
VIEW Conference has unveiled the first group of speakers confirmed for this year's event. The 22nd edition of Italy's premiere animation, VFX and computer...
Blender 2.91
Learning how to be a 3D artist involves understanding technique, workflow and best practices more than knowing specific programs. Sure, you can dive...
***This article originally appeared in the May '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 310)***
It’s hard to believe that it’s been 22 years since Trevor...
More than 150 Artists Realize a 6.5-Minute Story with Remote Collaboration
Centering on the relationship of a Chinese immigrant, Lina, and her American daughter,...
Dr. Ed Catmull, computer graphics pioneer, Pixar co-founder and former president of Pixar Animation and Walt Disney Animation Studios, will speak at Italy’s leading...
Pixar has released RenderMan version 23, featuring next-level artist interactivity, enhanced support for Pixar’s USD (Universal Scene Description), and first-class integration with SideFX’s recent...
Global movie company Technicolor has launched a new post-production studio in Adelaide, Australia. The group’s first Southern Hemisphere operation, operating under the Mill Film...
Centered around the theme of “Thrive,” the 46th edition of SIGGRAPH is right around the corner, featuring the latest innovations in computer graphics and...
***This article originally appeared in the August ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 292)***
One of the more surreal moments experienced by animation supervisor Andy...
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