Póg mo Pigeon, the debut short from Kilkenny’s Lighthouse Studios, has won the Best Animated Short at Derry’s Academy-Award qualifying Foyle Film Festival, the...
The windy city welcomes Adult Swim's windy mad scientist this December, as the Rick and Morty Multiverse Mania Experiencetakes over the Morgan Arts Complex...
Adult Swim returns to New York Comic Con with can’t-miss panels featuring appearances from Rick and Morty executive producer Dan Harmon and Lazarus creator...
Since its premiere in May 2020, Solar Opposites — Hulu’s adult animated “silly aliens in suburbia” show has entertained audiences and surpassed expectations. This...
Adult Swim is opening another portal through the multiverse, announcing that one of cable's most-watched comedies Rick and Morty will get a new multi-season box...
Warner Bros. Games announced that it's massive character mash-up fighting title MultiVersus will be adding Genndy Tartakovsky's fan-favorite animated hero Samurai Jack and Tim Burton ghoulie...
Two years since announcing its first original short film in development following an in-house call for concepts, Irish animation prodco Lighthouse Studios is ready...
Animation veteran Delna Bhesania has joined Montreal-based Rezolution Pictures as head of its newly launched animation division. The news was announced today by Rezolution...
Today, Corus Entertainment announced its 2024/25 lineup of premium specialty programming, spotlighting new and returning scripted series, reality and factual titles, and kids' and...
Bly Manor isn't the only haunted hotel on Netflix! The streamer today announced through its fan-targeted Tudum blog that a new animated series putting...
Warner Bros. Games today announced that MultiVersus, the free-to-play platform fighter videogame, has officially launched on PlayStation 5 (PS5) and PlayStation 4 consoles, Xbox Series...
At Wednesday's Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD) Upfront presentation at Madison Square Garden, Chairman and CEO of U.S. Networks Kathleen Finch underscored the group’s focus...
Rejoin Adult Swim's dysfunctional, dimension-hopping family when Rick and Morty: The Complete Seventh Season debuts on Steelbook, Blu-ray and DVD on March 12. Fans...
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