Turner Broadcasting is reshuffling its animation cable destinations and ramping up its digital content offerings in a series of strategic moves that will see...
Baboon Animation teammate John Fountain is a veteran storyteller. As supervising director and storyboard supervisor on such hits as The Fairly OddParents, John has...
Rick and Morty, Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon's quirky new sci-fi toon, takes viewers along for a fantastic ride.
Time and space continuum-bending heroes are...
Adult Swim has announced its list of panels and talent signings for fan-favorite series The Venture Bros., Robot Chicken, The Heart, She Holler, Eagleheart,...
Dan Harmon, creator of NBC's sitcom Community and Adult Swim's eagerly anticipated animated series Rick and Morty, showed up at last week's TV Critics...
Adult Swim has unveiled its packed schedule for this year's Comic-Con event in San Diego. Show panels run from Thursday to Saturday, featuring creators,...
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