A festive tradition continues as The Animation Guild presents online and in-person holiday markets showcasing the talents of its Union members. Both markets will...
Animation Magazine is proud to announce the recipients of this year’s Hall of Fame Awards. The distinguished honorees will receive their awards at The World Animation Summit’s...
In just a few weeks, fans of Adult Swim's cult-hit dimension-hopping duo Rick and Morty will get their next dose of wildly irresponsible sci-fi stuff,...
Oni Press is joining modern digital comic store and reader app Omnibus to bring the multiple Eisner- and Harvey Award-winning comic book and graphic...
At the edge of the universe ... At the brink of destruction ... somebody has to handle waste removal.
Paramount+ today revealed the official trailer...
FOX has brought its dysfunctional animated pantheon down from Olympus, debuting a brand-new trailer for Krapopolis today ahead of a special screening at San Diego...
Krapopolis, the all-new animated comedy from Emmy Award winner, creator and executive producer Dan Harmon (Rick and Morty, Community) will make its series debut...
Adult Swim and Cartoon Network announced today their San Diego Comic-Con lineup featuring top animated series. With a schedule that encompasses both kids’ and...
Today, Apple TV+ announced the new 10-episode adult animated series Strange Planet will make its global debut on Wednesday, August 9. New episodes will...
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