The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
Animation producer and studio executive Rick Mischel (Sony Pictures Animation, Mainframe Studios, Bardel Entertainment, Technicolor) announces today the launch of the newly formed Artists...
On Saturday, Television Academy hosted the finale for its 2020 Creative Arts Emmy Awards ceremonies honoring outstanding artistic and technical achievement in television on...
International animation and multimedia content production company Rainbow has named Rick Mischel as the new CEO of its subsidiary Bardel Entertainment. Mischel is a...
The Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television held its Gala Honouring Excellence in Creative Fiction Storytelling on Tuesday, one of a series of awards...
In the past five years, I’ve seen the animation, video games and comics event, Festival Pixelatl, develop into a serious contender by connecting, building...
Corus Entertainment's Nelvana is developing a new animated TV series based on Sony Pictures Animation's blockbuster CG feature, Hotel Transylvania. The show will focus...
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