A young wizard, a mysterious outlaw, and a very cute creature named Wowo are the colorful heroes of Lendarys, an innovative new CG-animated French-Canadian...
Earwig and the Witch is joining Netflix's exclusive Studio Ghibli slate worldwide (excluding the U.S. & Japan). Since the collection's launch in 2020 (through...
Monsta’s highly anticipated animated series Mechamato is set to launch on WarnerMedia’s Cartoon Network (Asia Pacific) on December 4 in Southeast Asia, Hong Kong,...
Kate Morton, currently Content Strategy Director of Family Brands at Entertainment One (eOne), is to join BBC Children's as Head of Commissioning and Acquisitions...
Independent content creation, distribution and licensing company Epic Story Media Inc. (ESM) and kids and family content creation and production company Milkcow Media have...
Leading European Kids Entertainment studio TeamTO has appointed Clélia Santi as Head of Production, and Judith Bruneau as Line Producer and Talent Scout. The...
Entertainment One (eOne) is gearing up for the much-anticipated debut of Ricky Zoom on Channel 5’s multiplatform preschool brand, Milkshake! which is set to...
Entertainment One (eOne) continues to fuel excitement for its brand new animated preschool series, Ricky Zoom, with newly announced broadcast partners Super RTL in...
Paris-based studio Cyber Group Studios’ new animated preschool series Gigantosaurus was the most-viewed show at this past weekend’s MIP Junior Market in France. The...
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