In celebration of Pokémon Day, Netflix today announced Pokémon Concierge, its first collaborative production with The Pokémon Company and an ambitious stop-motion project produced...
Leading independent agency, Sagoo Licensing, has announced that super kawaii bear Rilakkuma will be returning to Netflix for a second series, produced by Dwarf...
Netflix is joining forces with Academy Award-nominated animation studio Tonko House (The Dam Keeper, Moom, Pig: The Dam Keeper Poems), to bring an all-new...
Helmer Kevin Smith (Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob Reboot) revealed details about his upcoming Masters of the Universe anime series for Netflix at Power-Con...
Continuing the momentum of globally launched series like Aggretsuko, Ultraman and 7SEEDS, Netflix returned to Anime Expo in Los Angeles this weekend to preview...
World-leading streaming platform Netflix revealed more animation domination during the Anime Lineup Presentation event at Akiba Theatre in Tokyo, presenting some exciting highlights for...
One of Japan's most popular, collectible characters is coming to screens around the world in Rilakkuma and Kaoru -- the first stop-motion animated series...
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