The Annecy International Animated Film Festival and Market (MIFA), taking place in France June 6-11, has completed its lineup of animation industry panels. Highlights...
It took a while, but The Weinstein Co.'s long-in-the-works sequel to its 2005 hit Hoodwinked! is finally coming to theaters this weekend.
Hoodwinked Too!: Hood...
Animation ruled the Easter weekend box office, with Blue Sky Studios' stereoscopic 3D feature Rio repeating as the top film.
Rio, released by Fox, took...
Rio opened big overseas, while domestic moviegoers made it clear that they prefer to see Russell Brand in animated movies over live-action remakes.
Fox and...
Hop put some bounce in the box office, handily winning an otherwise weak weekend for movies.
The second film from the Universal-affliliated Illumination Entertainment grossed...
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