The winners of the 2018 British Animation Awards were revealed Thursday night in a ceremony laced with surprises, held at London’s BFI Southbank and...
Digital classic cartoon and all-new animation destination Boomerang will be streaming a world premiere movie on Thursday, February 15 with Tom and Jerry: Willy...
Updates in progress.
One of the biggest nail-biters of awards season is over, and we finally know which attention-grabbing animated films, VFX showpieces and musical...
In December, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the titles advancing to nomination voting for the 90th Academy Awards Best Animated...
Oscar-nominated Magic Light Pictures is bringing another magical tale from top UK picture book duo Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler to screens, with The...
Amsterdam’s Cinekid festival for film, TV and digital media has revealed an initial raft of title in its lineup, having previously revealed that the...
Encounters Film Festival has issued the program lineup for the 2017 edition, taking place in Bristol from September 19-24. Over 3,000 submissions have been...
Disney has issued some new featurettes and clips from Steven Spielberg’s magical hybrid movie adaptation The BFG, opening nationwide this Friday, July 1. Check...
Having premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, Walt Disney Pictures has unveiled a second trailer for Steven Spielberg's The BFG, adapted from the classic...
Film producer Sam Mercer has joined Industrial Light & Magic as head of ILM Studio, overseeing and coordinating the company's operations across its studios...
One of the most-acclaimed indie animated films of recent years gets the Criterion treatment this week with the release of Fantastic Mr. Fox: Criterion...
Adastra Creative and the literary estate of world-renowned author Roald Dahl have joined forces to produce the first ever animated television series based on...
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