The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
Mattel and multi-Academy-Award -winning animation studio Aardman (Chicken Run, Shaun the Sheep, Wallace & Gromit) are teaming up to co-develop a brand-new stop-motion 3D...
Netflix and Mattel have dropped a taste of the supercharged '80s throwback action awaiting viewers in Masters of the Universe: Revolution, the second chapter...
Animation Magazine is proud to announce the recipients of this year’s Hall of Fame Awards. The distinguished honorees will receive their awards at The World Animation Summit’s...
Perfectly timed to Mother's Day (and the acclaimed actress's birthday!), Mattel, Inc. announced today that Meg Foster -- known to genre fans for her role as...
Melissa Benoist (HBO Max’s upcoming Girls on the Bus) joins the voice cast of the Emmy-nominated He-Man adaptation Masters of the Universe: Revolution as the...
Netflix unleashed the power-packed trailer for Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part Two, the thrilling conclusion to the epic animated Mattel series. The war...
The war for Eternia continues in the second part of Masters of the Universe: Revelation, an innovative and action-packed animated series that picks up...
Netflix has debuted the first images for the highly anticipated new He-Man series, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, and announced that Part 1 (5...
Netflix and Mattel Television are producing an all-new, reimagined animated adventure series of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. This CG project will...
Helmer Kevin Smith (Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob Reboot) revealed details about his upcoming Masters of the Universe anime series for Netflix at Power-Con...
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