TagsRobinson Crusoe

Tag: Robinson Crusoe

Sneak Peek: Anca Damian’s ‘The Island,’ a Postmodern Robinson Crusoe Musical!

***This article originally appeared in the March '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 308)*** Over two years ago, Romanian director Anca Damian made a huge...

Cartoon Movie 2020: Six Most-Anticipated Titles

If you were to judge the health of the European animation feature industry by the quality of the projects presented at the latest edition...

Cartoon Movie: European Animation in the Spotlight

***This article originally appeared in the March 2020 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 298)*** We know the first few months of the year are brutal...

Cartoon Movie 2019 Toasts Bold and Promising New Projects

The 21st Cartoon Movie, the European pitching event for animated features, was held in Bordeaux last week, welcoming about 900 participants from 40 different...

Society of Illustrators Names 2019 Hall of Fame Recipients

The venerable Society of Illustrators has announced the 2019 recipients of its annual Hall of Fame honors, which will join the ranks of the...