The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
Today, during the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Disney Branded Television (DBT) announced a lineup of new animated projects and shared first looks from...
This month, we are treated to a glimpse of a typical day in the life of four-time Emmy-winning, Futurama executive producer Claudia Katz:
First coffee of the day!...
AfroAnimation, the largest annual event featuring diverse and BIPOC animators and creators, announced today the honorees for the first AfroAnimation Summit Icon Awards, along...
Disney Branded Television has opened the doors to Lunella's secret lab with the reveal of the official trailer for Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur!...
A multitalented lineup of guests and recurring stars are lending their voices to Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, the highly anticipated series from...
ABC, Disney Branded Television, Disney Television Animation, Disney Television Studios, Disney+, FX and Hulu are ready to take over the San Diego Comic-Con convention...
The World Animation Celebration 2017 festival is just around the corner, with a full two-day schedule of animated short films, informative industry panels, portfolio...
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