The Animation Showcase has announced a special limited release of the festival-favorite animated feature Memoir of a Snail during the holiday season. The platform...
In celebration of Star Trek Day (September 8), the franchise announces “Take the Chair, Make an Impact,” a global campaign encouraging fans to embrace...
Independent creative studio The Embassy today revealed its VFX work for The Spiderwick Chronicles, recently released on Roku. Based on the children's fantasy books...
PGS Entertainment has announced a strategic partnership with Lazy Shrimp Studio for the worldwide distribution of popular YouTube preschool series Leo the Truck. Known...
Sony Pictures Television – Kids (SPT – Kids), which produces and distributes content for children in over 200 countries worldwide, announced today that the...
Independent production company Wada Wada Entertainment announces today that pre-production has begun on its first animated feature film Weird Waters, following two successful TV...
Confessions from the Hart, the new Roku Original special from Kevin Hart’s global, multi-platform entertainment company HARTBEAT, premieres today (Wed., July 6) in honor...
French distributor Superights ( announced a raft of sales for its animated series catalog in Asian territories:
In Japan, agregator Me Interactive has picked-up...
Roku, Inc. will premiere its first original adult animated series Doomlands on The Roku Channel this Friday, January 28. The irreverent end-times show started...
Amazon Studios announced today it has signed first-look deals with producers Matt Hausfater, Teddy Riley and Aaron Buchsbaum, on the eve of the premiere...
Kids and family entertainment company, specialized in creating global franchises from the YouTube stars and characters loved by Generation Alpha, today announced an...
Moonbug Entertainment Ltd. has created and is releasing a new 3D animated program starring the contagiously curious character, Blippi. Blippi Wonders follows Blippi as...
The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) announced the winners of the 48th Annual Daytime Emmy® Awards Children's & Animation categories on...
'Demon Slayer' Animation Studio and President Indicted for Tax Evasion
Hikaru Kondo and his studio ufotable, which saw massive box-office success with the hit anime...
Cloudco Entertainment, owner of iconic entertainment brand Care Bears and Moonbug, the world's largest digital kids media company for content creation, distribution and management...
Pixar Staff Speaks Out against Disney Moving Its Films to Streaming Only
Several Pixar staffers spoke anonymously to BusinessInsider about the release tactic taken for...
Tubi, a division of FOX Entertainment, is continuing to expand its robust animation portfolio by entering a significant licensing agreement with Toei Animation, the...
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