As moviegoers around the world eagerly await the theatrical rollout of Alberto Vázquez's new animated feature Unicorn Wars (which premiered in Spain in October), the...
Award-winning Dutch animated filmmaker, graphic novelist and musician Rosto died March 7, according to a Facebook post by producer Nicolas Schmerkin (Autour de Minuit)....
The 2019 GLAS Animation Festival has announced its official selections for the next edition, taking place March 21-24 in Berkeley, California. The fest received...
Organizers of Asia’s premiere toon celebration, the Bucheon International Animation Festival in South Korea, have revealed the films screening in its national and international...
Paris-based Autour de Minuit and Cinema Public Films have launched a new adult and young adult-targeted animation distribution outfit, Azimut. Formed with the goal...
Marking the 200th anniversary of the publication of Mary Shelley's Gothic novel Frankenstein, one of the highlights of the World Festival of Animated Film...
The 11th Fest Anča International Animation Festival -- taking place June 28 to July 1 in Zilina, Slovakia -- will be screening 283 thought-provoking...
The 27th World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb will return to the Croatian capital from June 5-10 -- following myriad introductory events...
Long a hotbed of animation production, Toronto is getting a new animated film festival.
The Toronto Animation Arts Festival International will run July 6-8 at...
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