The 2017 CG update of Monchhichi from Paris-based Technicolor Animation Productions and TF1, in collaboration with Sekiguchi (Japan), will make its US premiere on...
Paris-based production and distribution company Cyber Group Studios continues to build the worldwide presence of its hit CG animated series Zorro the Chronicles (26...
Paris-based Cyber Group Studios has struck a deal with WeKids for exclusive distribution rights in Greater China for over 130 half-hours of three of...
Paris-based Cyber Group Studios reports that its new CG series Zorro The Chronicles is off to a swashbuckling start following its MIPJunior World Premiere...
MIPJunior has announced that the 2015 MIPJunior World Premiere TV Screening will be Cyber Group Studios' Zorro: The Chronicles (26 x 22). The CG-animated...
PGS Entertainment announces a raft of global sales for Method Animation and DQ Entertainment's animated adventure series Robin Hood: Mischief in Sherwood. Recent licensing...
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