Two decades since announcing its intent to bring Mighty Mouse to the big screen, Paramount Animation has revealed a powerful team-up with Ryan Reynolds'...
Veteran producer Jared Mass has launched Chalkdust Animation Studios in Atlanta, Georgia, focusing on real-time, virtual production of 3D animation for film and television....
Reel FX Originals, the award-winning animation production company behind The Book of Life, has teamed with Nitya Mehra (Baar Baar Dekho, Made In Heaven)...
***This article was written for the February '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 317)***
The new CG-animated feature Rumble is finally ready to entertain audiences...
Alison Mann, formerly Vice President of Creative Strategy for Sony Pictures Animation and co-founder/CEO of BRIC Foundation, is launching a new animation production company...
Comedian Trevor Noah, host of Comedy Central's long running comedy-news program The Daily Show since 2015, is reportedly working on an as-yet untitled feature...
Paramount Animation has optioned the film rights to C.O.S.M.O.S., an upcoming kids' sci-fi book series from Thomas Wheeler -- co-creator of Cursed and writer...
Fox is in development on another new animated comedy series, Variety reports. Dubbed Temporary Humans, the show centers on a hapless 20-something named Jake...
Paramount Animation president Mireille Soria told The Hollywood Reporter that the studio is working on a new animated movie featuring all five members of...
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