Fans of genre-bending adult animated comedy, this is your lucky month. The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy, an eagerly anticipated new show that blends...
Amazon Studios today announced that it has ordered two seasons of The Hospital, a new sci-fi animated comedy created by Cirocco Dunlap and executive produced by...
BRON Media's (The Willoughbys) new animation production outfit BRON Digital, launched in July 2020, has announced the star-powered voice cast for its debut project,...
This summer, FOX's growing animation lineup extends to Mondays with the series premiere of all-new pet paws-itive comedy Housebroken on May 31 (9:00-9:30 p.m....
In big "May the Fourth" news: Academy Award winner Taika Waititi, who recently won Best Adapted Screenplay for Jojo Rabbit and directed the widely-acclaimed...
Following a highly competitive negotiation, HBO Max has announced an exclusive, multi-year deal with beloved children’s author Mo Willems, an Emmy Award-winning writer, New...
Amazon Prime Video made a couple exciting adult animated series announcements today, with the news that Titmouse (Big Mouth, Metalocalypse, The Legend of Vox...
The 14th annual HPA Awards took place Thursday night, honoring a range of individuals and companies exhibiting exceptional talent and brilliance in the evolving...
Nominations for the 45th annual Saturn Awards, honoring motion picture, television, home entertainment and live stage productions, have been announced. For the first time...
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