Build-A-Bear Entertainment, Foundation Media Partners and Montreal-based animation shop Laughing Dragon Studios announce Kabu, a new animated series inspired by classic Build-A-Bear characters including...
it's time to get interactive with your favorite animated Jurassic Park dinos. Netflix has released the first trailer for its upcoming interactive Camp Cretacious...
In celebration of National Streaming Day, Disney+ has released a new trailer and key art for Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Baymax!
Streaming exclusively on Disney+...
DreamWorks Animation has released the first teaser for the fifth and final season of Annie Award-winning hit Netflix series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, hatching...
DreamWorks Animation has released the full season three trailer for the Annie Award-winning series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, returning to Netflix for a third...
DreamWorks Animation today announced that Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous will return for a third season on Netflix, with 10 new 22-minute episodes roaring ahead...
DreamWorks Animation has released the full season two trailer for Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, returning to Netflix for a second season on January 22....
Netflix has debuted the official trailer and interactive site for upcoming kids' action-comedy Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous -- the first animated adaptation of Michael...
Netflix and DreamWorks Animation announced today that the highly anticipated animated series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous will debut globally September 18 on Netflix. The...
Super-popular anime brand Crunchyroll has crowned the winners of the third annual Anime Awards, presented by Devil May Cry 5. The event celebrates the...
Fans of Walt Disney Television Animation should save room on their Comic-Con International schedules for some can’t-miss panels featuring cast, creators and crew giving...
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