Over the past 12 months, we lost many talented, brilliant women and men who devoted their lives to creating animated and VFX-driven projects through...
DreamWorks Animation’s Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is ready to start its next chapter, streaming exclusively on Peacock starting March 10. More info...
Crunchyroll has announced the English voice casting for the character of Vash the Stampede in the rebooted sci-fi space western TRIGUN STAMPEDE, with the...
WarnerMedia's anime block Toonami is kicking off the new year with a winter flurry of premieres. The brand's official Facebook page announced that it was...
Anime fans and collectors will find must-have treasures in Heritage Auctions’ Art of Anime and Everything Cool II Animation Art Signature Auction Dec. 10-13. The...
All Personnel, Condition One. Battle Stations. Countdown Start.
GKIDS has launched a countdown page promising big news about an "Ultimate Edition" of Neon Genesis Evangelion...
Fred Laderman (known professionally as Fred Ladd), a television and film writer/producer who helped introduce and popularize Japanese anime in North America through classic...
Production animation cels and backgrounds from the most critically-acclaimed and culturally-influential anime films, television series and characters to headline a three-day auction event June...
AT&T to Spin Off and Combine WarnerMedia with Discovery
The to-be-named new standalone media company will be headed by Discovery CEO David Zaslav with the...
Tubi, a division of FOX Entertainment, announced it will exclusively premiere the massively popular Anpanman franchise from TMS Entertainment to English- and Spanish-speaking audiences.
***This article originally appeared in the November '20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 304)***
If you’ve been paying attention to the adult animation scene, you...
YouTube sensation Studio Killers -- the anonymous Europian electropop collective whose wild animated music videos have collected over 120 million views -- is on...
Dallas-based entrepreneur Jacque Aye, creator of the anime/manga-inspired Nigerian Magical Girl universe Adorned by Chi, has signed with MWM and its MWM Universe division....
***This territory focus originally appeared in the June/July '19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 291)***
Japan is arguably the world's most mature market for animation,...
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