Super-popular anime brand Crunchyroll has crowned the winners of the third annual Anime Awards, presented by Devil May Cry 5. The event celebrates the...
WATCH: Zookeeper Animated ‘Gritty the Elf’ for Flyers Holiday Greeting
Googly-eyed hockey mascot/viral antifa icon Gritty got a 2D makeover courtesy of Zookeeper Industries for...
SVOD service Hulu and leading anime distributor Funimation (a subsidiary of Sony Pictures Television) announced a multi-year partnership and output deal, which marks Hulu’s...
February will offer a sweet Valentine to anime fans as Fathom Events and Aniplex of America partner to bring the uplifting (though curiously titled)...
Leading anime and manga company VIZ Media has revealed the details of its panels, special guests, autograph sessions, in-booth activities, retail exclusives and can’t-miss...
New Anime Museum Opens in Tokyo
The iconic Toei Animation studio (Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, One Piece) is opening a dedicate museum next week, designed...
Eleven Arts Anime Studio has announced the US English-language dub cast for the historical adventure Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern, arriving in theaters nationwide...
Behind the Scenes at the Disney “Morgue” Where Animation History Is Being Saved
Gizmodo delves into this important temple of preservation, where fragments and ephemera...
Crunchyroll Movie Night returns with a presentation of Bungo Stray Dogs - DEAD APPLE, bringing the supernatural investigators action to the big screen in...
There’s a whole lot of pink sparkle coming to Cartoon Network’s Friday lineup this month. That’s because Warner Bros. Animation has delivered the awesome...
In step with the previously announced plus-sized Sailor Moon fashion line launch on, Tuesday will also see a stylish collection of apparel and...
An intriguing international toon partnership has formed, with Japan’s Toei Animation collaborating with Saudi Arabian media company Manga Productions on a trio of new...
Scum & Villainy Cantina Extended Thru June
The sold-out pop-up Star Wars dining experience is extending its LA run through June -- ticketing and reservations...
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