The Animation Showcase welcomes ashore Lupus Films' award-winning, family-friendly feature Kensuke's Kingdom for a special limited release this holiday season. The platform offers the...
Having just won three British Animation Awards (for Best Picture, Best Screenplay and Best Original Music) in March, Kensuke's Kingdom has expanded its realm, singing an...
Just after winning the Grand Prize - Audience Award at the 27th New York International Children’s Film Festival (NYICFF), Lupus Films and international sales...
In the new Warner Bros. movie Wonka, director Paul King (Paddington) offers an origin story for the eccentric chocolatier introduced in Roald Dahl’s classic...
The new animated feature Kensuke’s Kingdom is one of the many highly anticipated features making their debut at the Annecy Festival this month. Based...
***This article originally appeared in the January '23 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 326)***
Over the past decade, TV audiences in the U.K. have grown...
***This market spotlight originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No.323)***
Welcome to Lolyland
Produced by: Cottonwood Media
Format: 52 x 11'
Target Audience: Kids 6-10
Oscar-nominated producer Magic Light Pictures (The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom, Revolting Rhymes) is ready to introduce the world to the animated stars of The...
The darling, duffle-coated bear created by Michael Bond is returning to the big screen for more live-action/animation hybrid adventures with the Brown family! The...
Magic Light Pictures, the multi-Oscar nominated production company, is bringing Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s story of a love which overcomes divisions, The Smeds and TheSmoos, to BBC One and...
***This interview originally appeared in the March '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 318)***
It’s hard to believe that it’s been 20 years since Camilla...
Framestore has unwrapped the magical VFX surprises that the acclaimed studio delivered for the new holiday movie, A Boy Called Christmas, in partnership with...
Kensuke's Kingdom is kicking off production at last, with new finance and animation studio partners along for the journey. Originally announced in 2017, the...
Despite moving online for its final weekend, the New York International Children's Film Festival still celebrated an inspiring lineup of shorts and features for...
Multi-Oscar-nominated production company Magic Light Pictures (The Gruffalo, The Highway Rat, Revolting Rhymes) is continuing its tradition of providing animated holiday specials for the...
***This article originally appeared in the June/July ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 291)***
Japanese giant monster movies, known as kaijū, have captured the attention...
Distributor Bankside Films kicked off the first day of Berlin’s European Film Market by announced the voice cast for upcoming animated feature Kensuke’s Kingdom,...
The critically acclaimed hybrid family flick Paddington 2 will soon be available to home audiences, with Warner Bros. Home Entertainment set to release the...
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