TV animation writer and WGAW Animation Writers Caucus Chair Craig Miller (The Smurfs, Curious George, Pocket Dragon Adventures) will receive the Writers Guild of...
At Tuesday’s combined Walt Disney Television Upfront presentation, Freeform showcased its commitment to bold original content like live-action hit grown-ish as well as affirming...
Late comic book co-creator of Marvel’s Wolverine and DC’s Swamp Thing and animation writer Len Wein will receive the Writers Guild of America West’s...
Sam Simon, the nine-time Emmy winning writer who helped make TV animation history by co-creating The Simpsons, has died of colorectal cancer at home...
The Writers Guild of America West will honor The Simpsons co-developer Sam Simon with its 2014 Valentine Davies Award in recognition of his humanitarian...
Veteran television writer-producer Sam Simon, who co-developed Fox's long-running animated series The Simpsons and has been a writer, producer, and director on Taxi, Cheers,...
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