This month, KOCCA (Korea Creative Content Agency) is bringing some of the best animated content produced by the country’s top animation studios to the...
Despite facing many challenges during this global pandemic year, Korean animation studios have continued to produce and deliver top-quality animated shows for the global...
Planeta Junior, a leading European family entertainment company, has acquired a participation in ZAG Entertainment. The agreement is the culmination of a long-lasting and...
Intl. indie animation studio ZAG won the Best Animated TV Show award at the recent Teen Choice Awards for its show ZAG HEROEZ Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug &...
SAMG Animation (South Korea) and its Moscow-based distribution and licensing agency partner CLS Media announce that animated property Vroomiz has made it onto the...
Kidscreen has announced that 26 animation concepts have been selected for the 2016 Asian Animation Summit, taking place in Brisbane, Australia from Nov. 22...
Shout! Factory and multimedia kids and family entertainment company AG have entered a strategic distribution partnership for CG-animated action-comedy series Miraculous Tales of Ladybug...
PGS Entertainment has recently closed licensing deals for the new series LadyBug (26 x 26min) on three continents.
LadyBug is a co-production from French animation...
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