Anime lovers can celebrate Valentine's Day through their screens through the month of February, with a lineup of adored romance titles available to watch...
The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) announced the winners of the 48th Annual Daytime Emmy® Awards Children's & Animation categories on...
Los Angeles Latino Int'l Film Festival Awards
LALIFF wrapped its 2021 edition combining in-person and virtual screenings, in addition to the premieres of the films...
On-demand kids’ entertainment destination Toon Goggles has launched its newest linear channel, TG Junior. Offering animated and live-action content for kids ages 2-6, TG...
Spanish producer/distributor Imira Entertainment has inked a deal with streaming video service Hulu which will bring Lola & Virginia (52 x 12) to the...
Spain's Imira Entertainment is launching its multiscreen, multi-language kids' content platform iMIRAPLAY on Samsung Smart TVs. The STV platform will also launch Imira's existing...
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