In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, the organization CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment) has shared Awakening -- a...
Netflix has greenlit a new animated preschool series from Academy and Annie Award-nominated director, animator and illustrator Sanjay Patel (Sanjay’s Super Team). Titled Ghee...
The Annecy International Animated Film Festival (June 11-16) has revealed that its Friday will be turned over to honoring the animation powerhouse Pixar, with...
Viewers got an informative first-look at the highly anticipated Disney-Pixar sequel Incredibles 2 during the NBC Olympics coverage on Wednesday night. The spot shows...
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences has extended membership invitations to 683 distinguished filmmakers, artists and executives “who represent the best in...
The Los Angeles Times has released a multimedia report listing 100 people making a difference in increasing diversity in Hollywood, submitting the names to...
Disney-Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur will see its home entertainment on February 23, accompanied by a prehistoric stampeded of special features. The film will be...
For over 10 years, ShortsHD has been bringing the Oscar nominated short films in the Animation, Live Action and Documentary categories to audiences across...
Academy narrows field for animated short from 60 to 10 contenders.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced Nov. 19 that 10 animated...
Spark CG Society will present the 2015 edition of the Spark Animation Festival, Conference and Job Fair in Vancouver, BC from October 21-25 (
Pixar will present unprecedented insights into the development of RenderMan’s advanced RIS technology at SIGGRAPH 2015 in Los Angeles this month, and to drive...
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