Vancouver Animation School (VANAS), the largest online educational institution of its kind in Canada, is accepting applications for its new Production Management in Digital...
Today, at the packed panel “Adapting Fan Favorites: A Conversation with Prime Video’s Adult Animation Creators” at San Diego Comic-Con, Prime Video announced additional...
Prime Video is dishing out a nibble of its upcoming adult animated comedy series Sausage Party: Foodtopia, revealing first-look images for the tasteful new...
Today, ahead of their inaugural Upfronts presentation on May 14, Prime Video announced that the new adult animated series Sausage Party: Foodtopia will premiere on...
Annapurna, the entertainment company spanning film, TV, games, and theater, is establishing an Animation division co-led by former Disney animation executives Robert Baird and...
Prime Video today announced it has ordered Sausage Party: Foodtopia, based on the 2016 adult animated feature film, from Annapurna Television, Sony Pictures Television, Amazon...
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