The years-long battle waged by animators who clocked long hours of unpaid overtime during the production of adult animated comedy feature Sausage Party has...
Warner Animation Group is looking to add key talent to its hybrid and animated projects, with Variety learning that negotiations with director Tim Story...
'Suicide Squad' Animated Movie Cast Led by Tara Strong, Christian Slater
The next Warner Bros. Animation / DC Entertainment direct-to-video movie will feature Strong (reprising...
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures has announced that digital entertainment outfit Cinesite Studios will provide CG animation and VFX for its upcoming feature film based on the...
Veteran animation artist, writer, director and voice artist Conrad Vernon has signed on to direct MGM's upcoming animated The Addams Family feature, according to...
Annapurna TV has announced it is developing a new adult-targeted, CG-animated series titled Amberville at Amazon Studios, for Amazon Prime Video. Created by Chris...
Cinesite Studios has acquired full-service animation facility Nitrogen Studios Canada, Inc., based in Vancouver. The studio employs 70 creative and production staff, and is...
Rocket Licensing has secured its first UK partners for Sony Pictures Animation’s upcoming animated feature The Emoji Movie. Rocket is managing the UK and...
The Producers Guild of America has announced the live-action and animated motion picture nominations for the 28th Annual Producers Guild Awards, taking place Saturday,...
New year, new Academy Awards race! Voting for Oscar nominations opens Thursday, January 5 for Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences members, to...
How Seth Rogen Brought Back Adult Animation with ‘Sausage Party’
Watch Deadline’s The Contenders video and hear about the comedy icon and director-producer Conrad Vernon’s...
A deep range of features contends for honors, kudos and statuettes in one of the most competitive years for animation in Oscars history.
There’s never...
The 17th international VIEW Conference was held in Torino, Italy this week, bringing together animation artists, professionals and technology innovators from around the world....
Following last week’s programming announcement, Italy’s VIEW Conference has locked in its 2016 event schedule, confirming talks on upcoming animated musical-comedy Trolls and the...
Organizers of the 17th VIEW Conference, taking place October 24-28 in Turin, Italy, have unveiled the full lineup of speakers, presentations, workshops and more....
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